
Preventing code from being generated in InitializeComponent() method for a property

When you place controls on a form, Visual Studio generates code in the InitializeComponent() method that sets values of their properties.

If you are developing a custom control and you don't want Visual Studio to generate such code for some of its properties, you should apply the DesignerSerializationVisiblityAttribute to such properties and place DesignerSerializationVisiblity.Hidden value on them.
public DateTime Value
    get { /* ... */ }
    set { /* ... */ }
More information about customizing the code generated by Visual Studio can be found here.


Changing file permissions (chmod) without SSH/telnet access

If you need to change file permissions (chmod) for more than just a few files and your web hosting provider gives you only FTP access to your account (neither SSH/telnet nor a good web hosting control panel system), you can use the chmod function available in PHP.

You can either write a PHP script that calls chmod for each file that needs its permissions to be changed or use this snippet to call chmod recursively and change permissions for an entire folder tree.